Don't we all wear shoes?
My work is inspired by footwear in general. Since 2006 I have been working on a series of clay sculptures titled "Keep On Walking". Those series presenting stylized shoe sculptures mirroring human like characteristics, attitudes, passions, or situations. Some of the sculptures are clothed in motives from the past history with a touch of humor and purposely exaggerated details. The whimsical shoe form evolves as a vehicle on which I elaborate with bold elements, while exploring variety of expressions and emphasizing their mood and symbolism.
Footwear is an object of significant importance in social and cultural society. Converted shoe objects may express beauty, social status, passion or fetish. They can also evoke emotions stimulating thoughts and reflection on one's past. My work is original in concept, crossing the boundary rooted in historical culture of humanity.
Recently my interest shifted to different subject and simultaneously I am working on ceramic sculptures series titled "Standing Tall". Soaring high, slim cons towers and vessels symbolize eternal searching for universal consciousness. As a columns they indicate stability, progress, continuity and spiritual growth.
Intentions to use organic forms encourages collaboration in balance with physical and delicate environmental coexistence. My direction for future body of work is to express collaboration of the old and new in context of cultural and spiritual diversities using symbolism in strong, direct but esthetic forms.
Cinnamon & Spice